Car Accidents with Semi-Trucks and Large Vehicles in Chicago

Chicago’s a busy, prosperous city, so its streets are packed with tractor-trailers, box trucks, and other large vehicles hauling materials and products. But while they’re critical to the city’s commercial health, these vehicles pose a serious risk to other road users. The Illinois Department of Transportation reports more than 46,000 collisions involving tractor-trailers, vans, and single-unit trucks statewide in one recent year. These collisions led to nearly 250 deaths and almost 9,000 injuries, upending lives and leaving families struggling with the consequences.

At Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., we understand the harsh toll these collisions often take on their victims. We’re committed to seeking justice on their behalf. For more than 40 years, we have helped accident victims recover fair compensation, securing more than $2 billion. Our team has recovered record-breaking awards for our clients, and we have the resources to tackle the most challenging cases. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Chicago truck accident lawyer.

How an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer in Chicago Can Help

If you or someone in your family sustained injuries in a truck crash, our firm can help by:

  • Gathering critical evidence – Our seasoned truck accident attorney can conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the crash. We know how to obtain driver logs, vehicle maintenance records, witness statements, and other essential evidence to support your claim.
  • Coordinating expert testimony – Our attorneys can coordinate with medical professionals, accident reconstructionists, and other experts to bolster your case with valuable testimony.
  • Calculating the value of your case – By meticulously evaluating all your losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional trauma, we can pursue the full compensation you could be owed.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies – Our attorneys know how insurance companies work, and we can use this knowledge against them when we meet at the negotiating table.
  • Representing you in court – Should the insurer refuse to offer a fair settlement, we won’t be afraid to take your case to court and present a compelling argument before a judge and jury.

Were you or a loved one hurt in an accident with a large vehicle? The attorneys with Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. have the knowledge, experience, and determination to help you demand fair compensation. We have  more than 330 cases in which we recovered $1 million or more. In one case, we recovered almost $18 million for a teacher struck by a truck on her way to work. In another, we helped the family of a man killed in a truck crash recover almost $4 million through a wrongful death claim.

Types of Large Vehicles Involved in Accidents

Large truck accidents in the Chicago area often involve vehicles like:

  • Tractor-trailers
  • Commercial vans
  • Utility vans
  • Delivery vans
  • Buses
  • Construction vehicles
  • Moving trucks
  • Tanker trucks
  • Cement trucks
  • Garbage trucks
  • Mail trucks
  • Logging trucks

Common Causes of Truck Accidents and Responsibility for Them

Many different people and businesses are involved in the trucking industry – and any of them could make a mistake that leads to an accident. Here are some of the most common causes of truck accidents in Chicago:

  • Driver fatigue: Tired truck drivers may cause accidents due to slowed reaction times or falling asleep at the wheel. Liability often rests with the semi-driver in these cases, but the trucking company may share responsibility if they directly employed the driver or pressured a driver to ignore safety concerns.
  • Speeding and reckless driving: High speeds are a leading cause of car accidents, but they are especially dangerous when one of the vehicles is a truck. That’s because speed and mass are the two elements that contribute to force. While the semi-driver is most directly to blame for speeding, the carrier could be to blame if it pressured the driver to do so.
  • Distracted driving: A driver who’s texting or eating behind the wheel is not giving their full attention to the critical task at hand. Generally, truck drivers are liable for accidents they cause through their distracted behavior.
  • Improper loading: Poorly loaded or secured cargo can affect a truck’s balance, causing tip-overs or spilled loads. The loading crew or the company responsible for loading may be liable in these situations, especially if they violated federal weight and securement standards.
  • Inadequate training: Insufficient training can lead to crashes that leave victims in critical condition. In these cases, the trucking company may be liable for not providing adequate training or for hiring inexperienced drivers.
  • Poor Maintenance or defective parts: Whether due to poor maintenance or defects, truck parts that don’t work as intended can fail in critical moments. Liability may fall on the trucking company for not ensuring the vehicle is safe, a maintenance provider for failing to fix issues, or a parts manufacturer for producing unsafe components.

The Role of Truck Experts in Accident Litigation

Truck crashes often involve multiple liable parties, serious injuries, and expensive consequences. As such, expert witnesses play an essential role in helping victims recover fair compensation by:

  • Analyzing the accident scene to provide a clear, scientific narrative of the collision
  • Investigating technical details to explain how factors like mechanical failures and violation of operating norms contributed to the crash
  • Clarifying regulations to pinpoint any breaches in federal or state trucking laws
  • Scrutinizing driver behaviors and conditions to provide insights into human error in the crash
  • Calculating the value of the financial and personal consequences the accident had on you

Legal Options Following a Truck Accident

The first step to seeking compensation after a truck accident in Chicago is typically filing an insurance claim against the liable party’s provider. Your lawyer will negotiate with the insurer for a fair settlement that fully covers your losses while releasing the insurer from further liability. If the insurance company refuses to make a fair settlement, your lawyer can respond by filing a lawsuit.

Under Illinois law, you have two years from the accident date to file a lawsuit, or the courts will likely dismiss your case as untimely. Your truck accident lawyer can take care of filing a lawsuit while you focus on your recovery.

What Compensation Can I Recover in a Truck Accident?

Semi-truck accidents can have a wide range of consequences for victims. Depending on the circumstances, your lawyer can pursue compensation for your:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced future earnings due to a disability
  • Damaged personal property
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Diminished quality of life

Contact Our Chicago Semi-Truck Accident Attorneys Now

Are you ready to speak with a truck accident lawyer in Chicago? Contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. today for a free consultation about your rights to compensation after a collision someone else caused.