How can a lawyer help me in a product liability case?

Product liability claims are often very technical. The success of your case can rely on expert witnesses and your ability to obtain information from the defendant. An attorney can provide invaluable advice and assistance in building your case.

Your attorney can file a motion with the court to obtain necessary information from the defendant about the product’s design and manufacture. Your lawyer can also assist in finding expert witnesses who will testify to demonstrate the flaws and problems with the product and who can help you to show how the defects were linked to your injury.

From the start of your case to the end, your attorney will assist in building the strongest case possible to maximize compensation. A product liability lawyer can also negotiate a settlement agreement and ensure that you comply with all Illinois rules for making a defective product claim.

Standing up for yourself after you have been injured is fundamentally important. You don’t want to face financial disaster. You want to make sure you have the money you need to cope with the costs and consequences of your injury. That is why seeking help from an attorney who will dedicate the full extent of its resources to your case is crucial.

Please contact Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., to receive a free review of your case. If we take on your case, we will charge no fees unless you recover compensation.