Should my product liability case be settled?

Settling allows you to avoid the stress and the uncertainty of a courtroom trial. However, you should settle a case only if the settlement is believed to provide you with an appropriate amount of compensation for your losses.

If your case went to trial, and the jury ruled in your favor, the jury would provide compensation for past and future medical costs, income loss, pain and suffering and emotional distress. In some cases, punitive damages would also be paid.

You should ensure your settlement covers all of these losses before accepting it. If the manufacturer is unwilling to pay a sufficient sum, you may consider going to court.

An attorney who focuses on product liability cases in Chicago can assist you in negotiating a settlement and can advise you as to whether a settlement offer is reasonable compensation for injuries you sustained.

It is important to have an attorney review any settlement offer. Once you accept a settlement, you may not change your mind. For the same reason, you should also be fully aware of the extent of your injuries before settling a case.

Other factors can affect settlement as well, such as the strength of the evidence available to you and any insurance policy limits that may apply.

Our article What is a Settlement? provides more information on what you can expect during the settlement process.