What are common causes of boating accidents?

There are a few common causes of boating accidents, including:

  • A distracted/inattentive operator. Like car accidents, many boating accidents are caused by human error. Operators may become distracted by boat passengers. Or they may feel that boat operation does not require close attention because there are not many obstacles on the open water. In reality, bodies of water are unpredictable. Wind, weather, and other watercraft can suddenly appear and cause danger.
  • An inexperienced operator. It is much easier to get a boating license than a driver’s license. However, boat operators still have a legal obligation to know how to safely operate a vessel. This isn’t just knowing how to drive a boat, but knowing basic boating laws, navigation rules, and how to handle emergencies.
  • Intoxication. Operating a boat while above the legal alcohol limit is illegal and highly dangerous. Unfortunately, it’s quite common. Boat passengers are allowed to drink alcohol and have open alcohol containers. If an intoxicated boat passenger operates the boat or the boat operator has too many drinks, an accident can happen. Intoxicated boating accidents more often result in death and severe injury than accidents caused by other factors.