What can I expect if I make a product liability claim?

If you make a product liability claim, the case may be resolved through litigation or through settlement. You may have the opportunity for your case to become a part of a class action or multi-district litigation, which can have a significant impact on how your case progresses.

Because products are used by hundreds or thousands of people, many people experience similar injuries when a product turns out to be defective. As a result, hundreds or even thousands of cases are typically filed against the manufacturer. These cases can be consolidated into multi-district litigation, which means all cases remain separate but are assigned to one federal court judge who can then make decisions that impact all the claims.

Cases can also be resolved through a class action. This means all of the plaintiff’s claims are joined together in one big case.

If you become part of a class action, you will lose a great deal of control over your case, while a multi-district litigation allows more autonomy for plaintiffs while still ensuring the cases are resolved as expediently as possible.

Both a class action and multi-district litigation can lead to a manufacturer making a settlement offer, which would mean you could obtain compensation without going to court.

If your case does not settle, your claim can proceed to trial. You and the defendant will both present evidence, and a jury will determine if you are entitled to damages.