What if I am being offered a settlement to cover motorcycle accident losses?

A settlement has many benefits including increased certainty for you and the ability to obtain compensation more quickly without going to court. However, you don’t want to settle for less than the full amount of money you deserve.

Our page on What is a Settlement? provides detailed information on what a settlement is and how a settlement is reached.

Remember: Insurance companies often try underhanded tactics to reduce the money you receive in a settlement. You may also receive less than you should if you do not know the full extent of your injuries at the time when your case settles.

To assess whether a settlement is fair, consider the actual losses endured, including pain and a reduction in quality of life. The strength of your evidence can make a difference as well. A stronger case means less risk of losing in court and a stronger negotiating position.

The insurance policy limits are another important factor. An insurer will not pay damages above the limit. If you are offered the maximum compensation through the insurance policy, pursuing a court case may not be worthwhile, as the defendant driver may not have the money and personal assets to pay for additional losses.