What if my family member was killed in a construction accident?

Benefits and compensation are available to surviving family members of those killed in construction accidents. You have limited time to act. So, it is essential to understand how to avoid financial hardship caused by the death of a loved one.

Death benefits are available through workers’ compensation and include monthly income based on the average wages of the deceased. Benefits are paid out for 25 years or until a total of $500,000 has been received, whichever is greater.

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission provides information on the minimum and maximum death benefits paid to surviving family members.

If a non-employer’s negligence contributed to the death, family members may bring a wrongful death claim. Wrongful death lawsuits may be resolved in litigation or through settlement negotiation. Damages include payment of medical bills and costs incurred prior to death, the loss of income from the deceased, funeral costs and lost companionship.

Claims generally must be filed within two years, or they are time barred.

Read more about this type of claim on our Wrongful Death page.