What should I expect if I make a claim for compensation after a motorcycle accident?

If you make a claim, the insurance company representing the responsible driver may be willing to settle or may deny responsibility, forcing you to take your case to court.

Drivers who cause motorcycle accidents are represented by auto insurers, and it is insurers who defend the claim and pay damages if the insured was at fault. The insurance company may enter settlement negotiations with you and your attorney if the insurer accepts that its policyholder was to blame.

Before settling, be sure you understand the full extent of your injuries, as you may not seek additional compensation after your case settles.

If the insurance company does not accept responsibility, your case will be litigated. You can expect a discovery period in which you build your case. There will be pre-trial motions where the judge rules on issues such as whether you have grounds to sue and what types of evidence are admissible. The case will then proceed to trial.

If the jury finds the other driver is to blame, the jury will award you damages. You can also continue settlement negotiations up to the point when a jury reaches a verdict.

You will be paid the compensation agreed to either in the settlement or in the verdict awarded to you by the jury.