How much compensation will I receive in a nursing home neglect or abuse case?

Compensation varies depending on the extent of the injuries and whether you settle or go to court. However, you should seek recovery for both economic and non-economic losses.

Compensation for economic losses typically includes payment of medical bills and costs made necessary by the nursing home neglect or abuse. It may be possible to obtain a refund of the cost of the nursing home care as well.

Damages may also be available and include compensation for pain and suffering and emotional distress.

If the neglect resulted in the death of a loved one in a nursing home, wrongful death damages such as those for lost companionship and funeral expenses may be awarded.

In cases where the nursing home’s behavior was egregious, a jury may award punitive damages. Punitive damages are designed not just to provide compensation but to also punish the defendant and deter future wrongdoing.

You can learn more about compensation for nursing home abuse and neglect injuries on our page, How Much is My Case Worth?